LOTW Password issues

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LOTW Password issues

Post by G4POP »

This is from the ARRL

"If you can't login, try specifying your password in all lower case. If that doesn't work, please contact the Help desk via e-mail at LoTW-help@arrl.org mailto:LoTW-help@arrl.org or other methods at https://lotw.arrl.org/lotw- help/GettingHelp/ https://lotw.arrl.org/lotw-help/GettingHelp/

LoTW had been storing passwords in lower case, but ignoring case when checking for a match at user login. Soon after the new Web Account authentication mechanism was deployed, some users reported being unable to login: they were typing their password with mixed case, which the new mechanism rejected because it didn't exactly match their lower case password. In response to those reports, ARRL staff modified the mechanism to handle this scenario by accepting the user's mixed case password and then changing the stored password from lower case to the mixed case password employed by the user.

Anyone who logged in before this modification was made -- around 23Z on 2016-09-19 -- had to specify their password in lower case, and must continue to do so. Anyone who logged in after 23Z could specify their password with mixed case, and must continue to do so.

We apologize for having underestimated the extent to which the lack of password case sensitivity in the previous LoTW authentication mechanism was going to cause problems for so many."
73 Terry G4POP