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FLdigi mode recording

Posted: 05 Sep 2020, 13:03
by G4DWV
I had my first Olivia QSO yesterday and I noticed that the mode was not sent to LOg4OM. I had to enter it manually. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal behaviour.
Take care and keep safe.

Re: FLdigi mode recording

Posted: 05 Sep 2020, 15:49
by AE6DS
If you are using the FLDigi log button, Log4OM picks up the QSO info by following an adif file. Setup is on p 190-191 in current user manual.

In my experience, you will need to follow the temporary log file at c:\Users\<login>\fldigi.files\temp\log.adif, not the permanent logbook.adi. The latter doesn’t have ADIF compliant SUBMODE entries so some modes like OLIVIA will be logged incorrectly by Log4OM. If you are only using PSK31 either file will work.

Re: FLdigi mode recording

Posted: 05 Sep 2020, 16:35
by G4DWV
Hi Dale,
Thanks for your informative post.
Take care and stay safe.

Re: FLdigi mode recording

Posted: 31 Oct 2023, 22:21
by k4rva
I am having trouble with QSLs coming back from LOTW that do not match the mode in Log4OM, specifically OLIVIA from LOTW does not match OLIVIA8/250 as shown in Log4OM.

I have Log4OM configured via the ADIF Monitor settings to import from the temporary FLDIGI log, c:\users\steve\fldigi.files\temp\log.adif -- the log that correctly records MODE and SUBMODE.

After an Olivia QSO is imported from FLDIGI into Log4OM, it shows "OLIVIA8/250" on the Recent QSOs grid, as well as in the QSO details when I double-click the QSO in Log4OM.

I exported that one QSO from Log4OM to an ADIF file, before uploading it to LOTW, and it is showing the correct MODE and SUBMODE.

Code: Select all

<CALL:5>NW7US <BAND:3>15m <MODE:6>OLIVIA <QSO_DATE:8>20231031 <TIME_ON:6>190400 <A_INDEX:2>12 <ANT_AZ:1>0 <ANT_EL:1>0 <STATE:2>OH 
<CONT:2>NA <COUNTRY:3>USA <CQZ:1>5 <DISTANCE:6>1782.7 <DXCC:3>291 <EQSL_QSL_RCVD:1>N <EQSL_QSL_SENT:1>N <FREQ:9>21.072500 
<SUBMODE:12>OLIVIA 8/250 <MY_COUNTRY:24>United States Of America <MY_CQ_ZONE:1>4 <MY_DXCC:3>291 <MY_GRIDSQUARE:6>DM78pv <MY_ITU_ZONE:1>7 
I upload the QSO to LOTW from Log4OM, and the MODE shows OLIVIA (not OLIVIA8/250) on the LOTW website. After the other station uploads the QSO, I download the new confirmation from LOTW in Log4OM, and it seems that the MODE "OLIVIA" does not match the MODE stored in Log4OM, which is showing OLIVIA8/250.

Code: Select all

Parsing FULL ADIF file...
ADIF FULL document parsed: 1 qso found.
QSO NOT FOUND : NW7US|10/31/2023 7:04:00 PM|15m|OLIVIA
I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong, or something I have setup incorrectly. Any thoughts or ideas?

Steve K4RVA