cluster colors

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cluster colors

Post by iz5oqa »

Buonsera, mi scuso se vi disturbo ma essendo un nuovo fruitore di log4om avrei necessità di capire una cosa

Vorrei ove ci fosse la possibilità , cambiare la colorazione in ricezione sul cluster in base ai paesi lavorati

Es. Rosso New ONe
Giallo New One di Banda
Blu lavorato

Provando ad cambiare il colore della seconda e terza opzione, il sistema non mi permette di farlo

La mia domanda e': c'e' la possibilità manualmente di cambiare i colori ???????

Good evening , I apologize if I disturb you but being a new user of log4om I would need to understand something

I would like, if there were the possibility, to change the reception coloring on the cluster according to the countries worked

Ex. Red New ONe
Yellow New One Band
Blue Worked

Trying to change the color of the second and third options, the system does not allow me to do it

My question is: is there a possibility to change colors ???????
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Re: cluster colors

Post by G4POP »

Where could you not change the colours? In the options/cat & Cluster tab???
73 Terry G4POP

Re: cluster colors

Post by Piter666 »

The cluster colors settings for Worked/conf. (country/band/mode) and Country not worked/confirmed will affect the small cluster display in the lower right corner of the main screen. To refresh that display after you change the settings, just click on one of the spots. The other larger Cluster displays will update with the next spot, or by checking or removing the check in the Remove wrkd countries checkbox.

I hope this makes sense.