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Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 21:21
by w9rit
Good day,

I am looking for a replacement for HRD logbook 5 v2893 and Log4OM looks great!

Hope you can help me with a setup question.

I understand the ADIF distance field is stored in KM. I would like to "see" distance in miles, so I have set (checked) the Log4OM display distance in Miles in the program setup. However, the QSO info (F6) and Recent QSO (F7) still display distance in KM, even after restarting the program, etc. I am using Log4om version1.16 and imported the 6800+ qsos from an HRD adif export. Is this normal or am I missing a setting/import issue?

Thanks for your help - 73!

Dave W9RIT

Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 21:27
by G4POP
Selecting distance in miles is only for display purposes while entering the QSO in the entry tab and heading and distance display above the small cluster.

We must log the QSO in Km because that is what is required by the ADIF spec. Personally I disagree with our ADIF partners about this but then I disagree with them about most of the new ADIF spec.

Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 21:38
by w9rit
Thank you for the quick reply, Terry.

I understand the saving of the data in KM to meet the ADIF standard. Would it be possible to request a "feature" such as adding a "display only" Miles Distance column to show miles in the F6 and F7 screens? It would only display the calculated miles not change the data for ADIF.
My old HRD 5 2893 shows the distance in Miles even though it is saving in KM in the database, etc.



Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 21:43
by G4POP
w9rit wrote: My old HRD 5 2893 shows the distance in Miles even though it is saving in KM in the database, etc.
Yes I remember when Simon and I added that to HRD and it is possible at some future date to do the same in Log4OM, I will speak to Daniele about it

Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 21:47
by w9rit
Thanks for considering my request. Now back to explore more Log4om features!

Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 06:37
by M0XMX
Hi. I know this is an old thread however I seem to not be able to display in miles, even though I have the box ticked.

What could be the problem?

Great software by the way, thanks.

Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 03 Dec 2019, 16:12
I've got this problem too.

I have "Show distance in miles" checked. (I've always had it checked).

The data for QSOs is coming from QRZ and is correct. When I am entering the data, I can see that the distance in miles is correct on the far left (above the SP and LP bearings). I can click the box and see the KM which are correct too.

Once logged, in the "Recent QSO (F8)" table I have Distance enabled. That column data is displayed in KM. Also, if I open the logged QSO to edit, the Distance data on the "County IOTA SOTA" tab is in KM, not miles. Is it possible to display in miles?

Mike / KA4CDN

Re: Viewing Distance in Miles setup?

Posted: 04 Dec 2019, 09:25
by G4POP
The distance displayed in miles is only relevant to the rotator heading and distance.

ADIF format dictates that distance in ADIF format must be in KM so in your logbook the distance is recorded in KM to conform to ADIF.

The Recent QSO information and WB4 information accurately reflects what is recorded in your logbook ergo its displayed in KM.

So the short answer is No