Starting external software using multiple profiles

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Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by NS8K »

I've searched and can't find any reference to my issue. Hopefully I didn't miss it.

In my situation, I start Log4OM and use it to launch JTAlert which in turn launches WSJT-X. When I'm not operating one of the digital modes, I thought it would be nice to setup a second profile by cloning and then un-Enabling the External software start of JTAlert on the Settings 2 tab. I would then setup different desktop icons to launch Log4OM either with our without JTAlert/WSJT-X.

My problem is when I un-enable the External program start, it becomes un-enabled in both profiles. When I re-enable, it becomes enabled in both profiles. I've tried enabling and un-enabling every way I can think of but it seems this information is common to all profiles.

Is there something I've overlooked in setting up my second profile or is it not possible to do this? I'm running version

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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by G4POP »

We may not have enabled the autostart feature when using different configs, I will ask Lele to check
73 Terry G4POP
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Re: Starting external software when using multiple profiles

Post by NS8K »

Terry, Any further word on this?

Tnx - Tom
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by VK3AMA »

NS8K wrote: 13 Nov 2017, 05:32 I've searched and can't find any reference to my issue. Hopefully I didn't miss it.

In my situation, I start Log4OM and use it to launch JTAlert which in turn launches WSJT-X. When I'm not operating one of the digital modes, I thought it would be nice to setup a second profile by cloning and then un-Enabling the External software start of JTAlert on the Settings 2 tab. I would then setup different desktop icons to launch Log4OM either with our without JTAlert/WSJT-X.

My problem is when I un-enable the External program start, it becomes un-enabled in both profiles. When I re-enable, it becomes enabled in both profiles. I've tried enabling and un-enabling every way I can think of but it seems this information is common to all profiles.

Is there something I've overlooked in setting up my second profile or is it not possible to do this? I'm running version

Tnx - Tom

A better option is to NOT have Log4OM start JTAlert (and WSJT-X), but have JTAlert set to auto-start/close both WSJT-X and Log4OM. So when you want to run the JTModes, close Log4Om if it is running and then start JTAlert which will auto-start both Log4OM and WSJT-X. When your finished running the JTModes, close JTAlert which will auto-close Log4OM and WSJT-X. That's how I would do it.

de Laurie, VK3AMA
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by NS8K »


Thanks for the reply. Actually, your idea was my first choice however, I wasn't able to figure out how to run Log4OM this way as an administrator without the annoying UAC prompt (which I could shut off completely but I don't really want to do that).

My normal way to start Log4OM is to launch it from a shortcut with the following target - C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /RUN /TN "UAC Whitelist\Whitelist Log4OM". This runs Log4OM as an administrator without the UAC prompt. As I recall, when I auto-start that same shortcut from JTAlert, it auto-starts ok but will not auto-close when JTAlert is closed. I've assumed that's because JTAlert actually launches schtasks which in turn launches Log4OM. In my mind it would be too much to ask for that to work so that's what started me down this path but then I ran into the problem with different profiles (configurations).

I should probably spend more time operating and less time worrying about a few extra mouse clicks but it seemed that it would be so elegant to have a different shortcut to setup the logging and digital programs just as I wanted them.

By the way, JTAlert = AWESOME! JTAlert + WSJT-X + Log4OM = AWESOME!

Tnx - Tom
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by G4POP »

Try running Log4OM as an administrator as detailed in our user guide then it will start in admin mode without issue
73 Terry G4POP
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by NS8K »

G4POP wrote: 22 Nov 2017, 08:29 Try running Log4OM as an administrator as detailed in our user guide then it will start in admin mode without issue

I have been running Log4OM as an administrator. I have LogOMUI.exe set to run as administrator for all users. I think those are the only instructions in the user guide. What I didn't like about it is the annoying UAC prompt that comes up every time the program is run.

I wasn't very clear in my last post but I had overcome the UAC problem by starting Log4OM using Task Scheduler. It's straightforward to setup. Instructions can be found in the 4th option at this link. They even show you how to setup a shortcut to run the "task". ... ac-prompt/. Maybe someone else is as anal about the UAC prompt as I am and also wants to get rid of it.

In my case, I operate from 2 locations, Home and Condo. I have a different profile with the same call, and different database for each location. Both profiles launch JTAlert which in turn launches WSJT-X. I have elected to use a different database for each profile because JTAlert provides information like worked B4, wanted states, etc. but must only have access to the QSOs made from that location to work properly. If there is a different way to do this from a single database, I'm all ears.

As mentioned in my OP, I'd also like to setup 2 more profiles to start Log4OM but without it launching JTAlert for when I'm not operating a digital mode but the starting of external programs doesn't seem to be unique to each profile but instead shared between all. It would be great if that was resolved or there was a workaround.

Today I noticed something odd. When I start Log4OM for one of my profiles and then go to Settings - Options, it shows the configuration as [RUNNING]. If I select the other profile, it shows as [ACTIVE]. The Make active Icon is grayed out. If I close this instance of Log4OM and start the other one instead, it looks normal with the configuration showing [RUNNING][ACTIVE] and the Make active Icon is normal. I can make this behavior swap between the 2 configurations by Selecting and making active the other configuration from the "normal looking" one. After doing this and re-starting Log4OM, the configuration that looked good before now does not and the one that did not look good is now normal. Kind of hard to explain but I think you get the picture. This does not have anything to do with me using the Task Scheduler method of Launching Log4OM because I get the same results if I launch using a normal desktop shortcut that also selects the configuration as a CONFIG= parameter and just answering Yes to the UAC prompt that comes up.

Perhaps this is a bug or maybe I have something else setup wrong. Log4OM seems to work ok for my Home or Condo profiles and databases although I haven't done extensive testing. It just looks weird when I go into Settings - Options and see one configuration [RUNNING] and a different one [ACTIVE]. I have tested making a change in this [RUNNING] configuration and that seems to work also but I can't activate a configuration because it is grayed out.

Sorry to be such a pest!

Tnx - Tom
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by G4POP »

I did ask Lele to look at this post I will ask him again
73 Terry G4POP
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by IW3HMH »

Running is the actual working configuration. Active is the configuration that will be active from next start
Daniele Pistollato - IW3HMH
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Re: Starting external software using multiple profiles

Post by NS8K »

G4POP wrote: 26 Nov 2017, 08:15 I did ask Lele to look at this post I will ask him again
Terry, thanks!
IW3HMH wrote: 26 Nov 2017, 12:46 Running is the actual working configuration. Active is the configuration that will be active from next start

Thank you, that makes sense! If I just start Log4OM without a CONFIG=parameter, it does as you say and everything looks normal. Now that I am setup with 2 configurations, sometimes I will start the [ACTIVE] config and sometimes the one that is not [ACTIVE]. Not to worry though, all should still work just fine.

An additional note to anyone else who tries a setup like this, when JTAlert starts up, it checks which database Log4OM is using and compares it to the database JTAlert is using. If they are different, you get a friendly reminder about this and a warning that logging is disabled because of this mismatch. A very nice touch that keeps you from really screwing up your log. If JTAlert had the equivalent of configurations or the ability to pass the database location/name as a parameter, this could be automated at program launch but it's probably unlikely that you would flip back and forth between locations often so the way it works is fine.

Tnx es 73 - Tom