Custom Filters

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Custom Filters

Post by AJ1DM »

Perhaps I put my question in the wrong section of the forum. Anyway here is my original post:

My general question is where can I find information on how to use custom filters, e.g., in Recent QSO's. I've looked through the manual and through this forum and can't find any info on this subject.

More specifically, I'd like to be able to filter my QSO's that lasted longer than 20 minutes. It seems to me all the info to do that is captured in Log4OM: QSO start and end date and time. But when I use the expression (TimeOff - TimeOn) >= 20:00 the filter returns no results.

If I use (TimeOff - TimeOn) >=2000, I get results but they don't make sense. I pull out qso's that lasted both longer and shorter than 20 minutes and I leave behind qso's that lasted both longer and shorter than 20 minutes!

What are the units that TimeOff and TimeOn return? Can I add and subtract those units? Am I trying to do something that is outside the capability of Log4OM?

If I can do the Time math, then I'll need to do something similar with the QSO start and end dates (to accommodate qso's that span 2359 to 0001). So what are the units of the Date equivalents?

And I've attached a document with screen shots that, hopefully, explains better than my verbiage does.

I would appreciate any guidance you can give. Thanks and 73.
Log4OM filters issue.pdf
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