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Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 22:51
by K7PT
Again, having the "Remove Worked Country "selected does exactly that irregardless of confirmed or not. It gets removed as it is "worked".

I think an additional filter (Show Worked and Not Confirmed) may be what is need to accomplish what you need. Daniele would have to address that.

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 23:35
Chuck, you are likely correct, I will probably not be able to achieve what I'm after no matter how I change the settings in the current version of the software.

Yet I still think the "WORKED" number of countries has very little meaning, and what counts is really just the "CONFIRMED" status. ARRL has not yet issued a DXCC award to someone for WORKED entities, they do require QSL or LoTW CONFIRMATIONS. That is why I wish the current Log4om cluster filters ignored WORKED entities and looked for CONFIRMED entities instead.

A WORKED DXCC entity may not necessarily result in a CONFIRMATION if we are not in the DX expedition's log because we though we made the QSO, but we never did, or a call-sign similar to ours is in their log instead, or we might have made a QSO with a pirate, or we simply never get a QSL because the operator does not send QSLs. There may be many reasons for why a WORKED contact may not necessarily turn into a CONFIRMATION. That is why I don't take the WORKED countries too seriously.

I wonder if also other Log4om users would be for a modification to this feature, or if it should stay as it is implemented now.

73 Marvin VE3VEE

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 23:45
by K7PT
I agree 100% with you and I'll ask the team and if they feel it worth doing (even the slightest) and if so, I'll put it on our Mantis To-Do-LIst. Can't promise when it would be done as the boss, Daniele, sets that.

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 23:50
Thanks Chuck.

73 Marvin VE3VEE

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 05:28
by G4POP
I already added this to the Mantis list as noted in my original reply

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 21:17
Damn guys... i've slightly understood there is a glitch somewhere...
i really need to have some more time to translate your requests and make a paper draft of the thing to make it clearer for me :)

I'll look on that Tomorrow :)


Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 16:37
Daniele, to put it another way, I'm looking for a feature that would result in the following meaning of colors:

RED: Unconfirmed
GREEN: Confirmed in another band
WHITE: Confirmed in same band

The current color scheme (screenshot attached below) doesn't achieve my goal:

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 17 Apr 2013, 17:38
working on...

Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 18 Apr 2013, 07:43
Ok. Changes has been made on the code and the bug related to "remove worked country" has been fixed, taking into account the way the user choosed to display the cluster (by worked, qsl, eqsl, lotw and QSL+LOTW JUST ADDED) instead of the "fixed worked country" flag.

Chuck K7PT just said:

"I have to tell you, this new cluster mode thing is the greatest thing in ham radio other then having sex on top of the amp in the shack. I filled 4 holes in a matter of minutes just clicking on various spots where I had holes in the award matrix.


Re: Cluster Filters: Remove CFM'd Country, Keep Un-CFM'd Ban

Posted: 18 Apr 2013, 09:12
That's great news, Daniele, thanks for your hard work! I'm looking forward to playing with it when a new versions comes out.

P.S. I envy Chuck's amp. It must be really big!!! ROFL

73 Marvin VE3VEE