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Contest - Cabrillo file

Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 11:49
by g4lds
Firstly Im chuffed with the latest release
All loaded ok, (Manual needs reformating as some pages are out)

I took part last weekend in the 80m AFS contest and created a checklog.

I used the ADIF file created within Log4OM via the SQ7DQR ADIF-Cabrillo converter and found a problem:
The MYsql log looks clean
Not sure how to open the ADIF file to check it but Im assuming its clean
The Cabrillo file has some how errors
couple of Serial numbers corrupted
it seems i need to change the date format from (LOG4OM) DD/MM/YYYYY to YYYY/MM/DD - can i do this in LOG4OM ??
Is there a simple method of creating a Cabrillo file within Log4OM ??


Re: Contest - Cabrillo file

Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 14:24
All data in Log4OM are saved and exported in ADIF format, that means dates are in YYYYMMDD format when exporting to ADIF file.
I can't understand your issue. Can you provide some more info?

Cabrillo is not "supported" by Log4OM due the large, undocumented cabrillo output format required by different contests.

Re: Contest - Cabrillo file

Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 14:38
by DF5WW
Hi Chris,

if you´re working in a contest do it like i did. I use Contestloggers for a contest which can give you a Cabrillo or STF to send to the Logroboter or the Manager. After the contest i create an ADIF from the Contestlogger and import to Log4Om. A Logger like L4O can´t be a "real" Contestlogger. Each contest has other rules and different countings. Better use a special contestlogger and do it like i did. Only one problem, after Importing you have to load up to eQSL or Clublog manually. Would be nice when imported ADIF would be sent to eQSL, and Clublog automatic. But that´s another thing ;) ;)

cu ;) ;)

Re: Contest - Cabrillo file

Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 15:31
by g4lds
Thanks for the info,
I usually use a paperlog for contests and then create a Log4OM log but this time I thought Id send in a checklog!
I tried SD but could not create a post contest log with the contest date!!
I think Log4OM is too powerful for contests smile!!
This Time ive been spending the day creating a LOG4OM log, converting the ADIF to a Cabrillo file uploading to RSGB AFS site and correcting the errors!
I switched off, had a cuppa and a walk in the fresh air by the sea here!!
when i switched back on, I found some errors were finger trouble (Big Red Face!!) :oops: :oops:
But my Cabrillo file logs the Qsos in descending order (1st qso top, last qso on bottom) where the correct? Cab file should have last qso on top.
So I went back to Log4OM contest log, sorted qsos by time so last qso on top, went through the conversion and the file still showed the list inverted??
any ideas??

oh great last version upgrade but when will the cabrillo option be added??


Re: Contest - Cabrillo file

Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 09:38
The function that manages ADIF sorts the file by qso date. There is not, actually, a feature to export ADIF with inverted date.
I'll check if it's easy to do, and i will add this as a feature.
Also automatic upload on adif load can be an idea... i'll check (for everything but LOTW, that requires a batch of qso to be sent)
