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Cannot upload to lotw after update to 1.41

Posted: 28 Apr 2020, 20:12
by K7SR
I updated to log4om v1 1.41 and at the same time I updated my tqsl certificate. After updating, when I try to upload to lotw I get the following message in the upload window. "all qsos were duplicate or out of date range(no qsos written)".

I have verified that the tqsl certificate serial number on my computer matches the serial number in my account on the lotw website. I have also tried limiting the upload to only one qso, to no avail.

Any ideas?

Mike, K7SR

Re: Cannot upload to lotw after update to 1.41

Posted: 29 Apr 2020, 22:01
by K7SR
The problem turned out to be my county had been incorrectly entered as "USA" rather than "Snohomish". This was incorrect from the time I originally started to use Log4om, several years ago. There was no problem with this until I updated TQSL, my TQSL certificate, and Log4om all at the same time. I believe that TQSL added a new check parameter. I tried to create an adif file for the OSQs that couldn't be transferred to LOTW and send the adif to LOTW with TQSL. I still got the same error. I then edited the adif file to change to the correct county and the transfer worked.

The error message changed from the original reported problem to the problem described above.

Mike, K7SR

Re: Cannot upload to lotw after update to 1.41

Posted: 30 Apr 2020, 08:13
by DF5WW
Hello Mike,

yes, ARRL has been changed something in TQSL. On my end it was my actual locator that
does not match with the loaction set in TQSL. Changed it and upload works fine as before.

;) ;)