Importing Granted from IOTA CSV file

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Importing Granted from IOTA CSV file

Post by CT1BXX »

There is a situation that I believe should be reviewed.

My database has only one Iota in each contact as it is supposed to be, I checked one by one.

After importing credits from the IOTA CSV file, in some cases, I have more than one IOTA in the same contact / QSO, In 2 cases I have an EU IOTA and an OC IOTA ( at same time same QSO !

After checking these cases, I noticed that when importing the CSV, sometimes Log4om fills in the Comment field with others IOTAS ref.
This fact will promote the dissemination of these references even if it is not correct, after all, as we know, it is impossible in the same contact (day and time) for the station to be in two different IOTA.
This cannot happen, placing two different IOTA in precisely the same QSO (date/time!

On the other hand, the fact that we put some notes in the "Comment" field can rise to wrong information at the Awards.
Imagine that for whatever reason I want to write a comment about an Iota that I worked with that operator on another expedition like "IOTA XXXX also operated" this fact will put that iota, I write as a comment, it enters as an IOTA value! Shouldn't this be reviewed?

In addition to this situation that I consider to be wrong, we have yet another that is equally wrong:
The IOTA CSV file has only one and only one contact credited to an IOTA in a specific band, in some cases (little) log4om marks that same iota Credited in more than one band. This is wrong, if you took the information from the IOTA CSV file, where there is only one credit per IOTA, why it happens?

This situation has been worse than it is now, currently Log4oM mostly only credits one, but in some, it still has the same problem.

I believe that this situation has to do with some kind of configuration in the : “IOTA_IMPORT_CONFIRMATION” file.
There are several options for importing, and I believe that it might be possible to resolve it by simply knowing the mechanics of these options.

As I have never seen this topic discussed before in the forum, I believe that you can import the data from CSV File correctly, so I would be immensely grateful for your help or comments.
73 Manuel Fernando CT1BXX
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