UDP import of Adif data does not recognize lowercase <eor> Log4OM 2.26

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UDP import of Adif data does not recognize lowercase <eor> Log4OM 2.26

Post by KD2QAR »

This C# code sample reproduces an observed problem with Log4OM 2 version importing ADIF data from UDP JT message 12.
If the QSO record ends with a lower case "<eor>" it interprets it as another qso field and throws an error for a missing length. According to the ADIF spec this end of record field should be case insensitive.
Log4OM will only accept the uppercase "<EOR>" tag. If there are any lower case characters in the tag it will think it is another QSO field.
If I import the same ADIF into Log4OM from a file it imports just fine.

This one fails using UDP:
" <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-eor <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS NOT <COMMENT:11>ITS NOT eor <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>010101 <eor>"
This one succeeds:
" <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-EOR <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS OK <COMMENT:11>ITS OK EOR <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>020101 <EOR>"

My current 'workaround' is just to convert any <eor> strings in the ADIF to uppercase which works fine.

Code: Select all

record = record.Replace("<eor>", "<EOR>");
Other fields in the ADIF data, including the <eoh>, don't appear to be case sensitive.

-Mark (KD2QAR)

Code: Select all

    /// <summary>
    /// This reproduces an observed problem with Log4OM 2 version importing ADIF data from UDP JT message 12
    /// If the QSO record ends with a lower case "<eor>" it interprets it as another field and
    /// throws an error for a missing length. According to the ADIF spec this end of record field
    /// should be case insensitive. 
    /// Log4OM will only accept the uppercase "<EOR>" tag. If there are any lower case characters
    /// in the tag it will think it is another QSO field.
    /// If I import the same ADIF from a file it imports just fine.
    /// </summary>
    public void TestBadEoR()
      byte[] AddUInt32(byte[] bytes, UInt32 i) => bytes.Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(i).Reverse()).ToArray();
      byte[] AddString(byte[] bytes, string i)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(i))
          return bytes.Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(0xFFFFFFFF).Reverse()).ToArray();
        bytes = bytes.Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)(System.Text.UTF32Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(i))).Reverse()).ToArray();
        bytes = bytes.Concat(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(i)).ToArray();
        return bytes;

      byte[] Sendbytes(string Id,string adif)
        byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)0xadbccbda).Reverse().ToArray();
        bytes = AddUInt32(bytes, 3);// SCHEMA
        bytes = AddUInt32(bytes, 12);
        bytes = AddString(bytes, Id);
        bytes = AddString(bytes, adif);
        return bytes;
      UdpClient udpclient = new();
      udpclient.Connect("localhost", 2237);
      var adif1 = " <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-eor <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS NOT <COMMENT:11>ITS NOT eor <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>010101 <eor>";
      var adif2 = " <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-EOR <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS  OK <COMMENT:11>ITS  OK EOR <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>020101 <EOR>";

Log file excerpt generated by this test:

Code: Select all

2023-02-13 13:31:18.3106 DEBUG:       [dje_zVVZ53ZW7FP5B88PCHPHUXDQL3JXQ_ejd][MoveNext] : ##### UDP MESSAGE RECEIVED ##### :
                                      ????         TEST-eor   ? <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-eor <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS NOT <COMMENT:11>ITS NOT eor <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>010101 <eor>
                                       on UDP port 2237 (WSJTX-ROAN/JT_MESSAGE) from
2023-02-13 13:31:18.3156 DEBUG:       [dje_zBTG68TFNAM356JUTEBZ6GJE65MQQ_ejd][MoveNext] : ????         TEST-eor   ? <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-eor <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS NOT <COMMENT:11>ITS NOT eor <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>010101 <eor> 
2023-02-13 13:31:18.3166 INFO:        [dje_zHLBZ327SR5DYGU7VBMHBVGBD4XMQ_ejd] : Begin ADIF QSO import 
2023-02-13 13:31:18.3177 DEBUG:       [dje_zHLBZ327SR5DYGU7VBMHBVGBD4XMQ_ejd][MoveNext] :  <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-eor <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS NOT <COMMENT:11>ITS NOT eor <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>010101 <eor> 
2023-02-13 13:31:18.3187 ERROR:       [dje_zTFDWKKNAYZM5ZDC28AQZ94AR7F2Q_ejd][MoveNext] : Error in QSO import: <eor>
                                      [EXCEPTION] Length cannot be less than zero.
                                      Parameter name: length System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
   at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
   at L4ONG.BL.AdifManagement.dje_zTFDWKKNAYZM5ZDC28AQZ94AR7F2Q_ejd.MoveNext()
2023-02-13 13:31:18.3207 INFO:        [dje_zBTG68TFNAM356JUTEBZ6GJE65MQQ_ejd] : {00b6f4c9-60ac-495b-9d00-27ce87fe3bc3} FROM TEST-eor JT Message 12 (ADIF) containing  Callsign:  Date: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM Band:  Mode:  
2023-02-13 13:31:18.3207 INFO:        [dje_zVRT48CL8A2U23D37GUSF2_ejd] : Insufficient data on QSO  Callsign:  Date: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM Band:  Mode: . Unable to save 
2023-02-13 13:31:19.3179 DEBUG:       [dje_zVVZ53ZW7FP5B88PCHPHUXDQL3JXQ_ejd][MoveNext] : ##### UDP MESSAGE RECEIVED ##### :
                                      ????         TEST-EOR   ? <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-EOR <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS  OK <COMMENT:11>ITS  OK EOR <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>020101 <EOR>
                                       on UDP port 2237 (WSJTX-ROAN/JT_MESSAGE) from
2023-02-13 13:31:19.3184 DEBUG:       [dje_zBTG68TFNAM356JUTEBZ6GJE65MQQ_ejd][MoveNext] : ????         TEST-EOR   ? <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-EOR <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS  OK <COMMENT:11>ITS  OK EOR <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>020101 <EOR> 
2023-02-13 13:31:19.3189 INFO:        [dje_zHLBZ327SR5DYGU7VBMHBVGBD4XMQ_ejd] : Begin ADIF QSO import 
2023-02-13 13:31:19.3194 DEBUG:       [dje_zHLBZ327SR5DYGU7VBMHBVGBD4XMQ_ejd][MoveNext] :  <adif_ver:5>3.1.4 <programid:8>TEST-EOR <EOH><CALL:6>KD2QAR <BAND:2>2m <MODE:2>FM <NAME:7>ITS  OK <COMMENT:11>ITS  OK EOR <qso_date:8>20230213 <time_on:6>020101 <EOR> 
2023-02-13 13:31:19.3199 DEBUG:     * [Countries][SearchCallsign][2632 ms] : Performing Search Callsign on call KD2QAR on date 2/13/2023 2:01:01 AM 
2023-02-13 13:31:19.3337 DEBUG:       [dje_zJNHB8DUQDUUDKANLX47C9KPTAJT62JAHY2_ejd][MoveNext] : Performing QSO search on callsign KD2QAR 

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Re: UDP import of Adif data does not recognize lowercase <eor> Log4OM 2.26

Post by G4POP »

73 Terry G4POP
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