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Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 01 May 2023, 08:35
I have different profiles such as for
All of them are connected to a seperate eQSL accounts (attached accounts) and the first two have an own LotW station ID.
When I switch the callsigns/configurations I use "Settings" -> "Programm Configuration" -> "User Configuration". However, I have to select a 32digit Hex "configuration id" in a drop-down menu. Is it possible to switch by "Description" as I can not remember those 32-digit hex IDs?


Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 21 May 2023, 14:58
no response :(

Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 21 May 2023, 15:33
by KI5IO

Have you considered filling out the description attached to each configuration ID ??


Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 21 May 2023, 17:17
yes, I have a description for each ID. But I can not select an ID based on the description. I must switch through the HEX IDs to find the ID with the description I want - see below. There is no drop down menu for selecting a description. I will soon get another two IDs (HB9/... and OE/...) so it becomes a bit messy. I need an ID for each prefix/suffix combination to send QSLs via eQSL and LotW


Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 21 May 2023, 19:31
by KI5IO

Clicking on any of your various Configuration IDs does NOT make it "active". Once you click on the ID the Description you have associated with the ID will appear.

Should you want to make that ID "Active" then you have to tap the green arrow. If that ID is not the one you want then click on the next ID and see what appears in the Description window.

Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 22 May 2023, 06:22
As I wrote, I have attached different eQSL-accounts and partly different LotW-station IDs to the different configurations, so I am aware how to switch between the configurations. I am speaking about selecting a specific "User Configuration" before activating it.

I can
i) ... select a "Configuration" (also called User Configuration) by toggling through the 32-digit HEX IDs in the menu for "Configuration ID" until I find the "Configuration" with the desired "Configuration Description." Then, I can make it active. To reiterate, I can select HEX ID after HEX ID until I find the profile with the desired description.
ii) ... write down the 32-digit HEX IDs along with the description and check my handwritten notes every time I have to switch the "Configuration" and then select the HEX ID in the menu for "Configuration ID" and activate it.
iii) ... remember (parts) of the 32-digit HEX IDs to select the correct "Configuration ID" and then activate it.

I can not select a "Configuration" based on the "Description". There is no menu for that


I'm a tad perplexed by the immense challenge of conveying that a menu catered to mere mortals, replete with 32-digit HEX IDs, might not be the most brilliant of designs.

Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 22 May 2023, 16:22
That's something coming from the very beginning of the project...
never reworked so far... i'll add to the list :-)

Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 23 May 2023, 16:15
by KI5IO

Now testing this in an Alpha release.

Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 24 May 2023, 09:14
Thank you very much :) I was not anticipating such a quick fix. Once again, thank you.

Re: Select profile by name instead of hex id

Posted: 26 May 2023, 14:27
was quite complex, as the "id code" needed to be replaced with a potentially "duplicable" short description...
i hope the fix works well, please take some time to test it by downloading latest beta version, if possible