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Log4OM + JTAlert + Gridtracker simultaneously + WSTJ

Posted: 21 May 2023, 14:08
Hi dear Friends.

Here I am begging for your help :(

I have Wsjt-X (as well as JTDX) along with JTAlert and of course Log4OM working perfectly.

I would like to try the US Counties and for that reason I have verified that Gridtracket will be a good help because CT has alerts for needed counties.
For this reason I would like to have Gridtracker in conjunction with WSJT-X (or JTDX) + JTAlert .

I have tried the forum and also manual, but I have not found a specific information/config for using all the 3 : ( JTAlet+ Gridtrackar + WSJT-x).
In case you are using the 3, I would like to ask if you could share the pics with config.

Many thanks for your attention