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NetLogger Integration with Log4OM2

Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 17:26
by WA8MD
I am using Netlogger for participation and ease of logging in some nets I am involved in. It is simple enough to export that date to ADIF and import it into Log4OM2 as my master log. There are two things that are tracked in Netlogger that do not export to Log4OM2. At least I have not figured out how to do this.

1. As part of one of my nets there is a column where they keep track of how participants received QSL cards. GIB means Good in Bureau, some state whether or not they accept direct only or eQsl contact's. Would be great if this column could be part of the ADIF export and import.

2. I try to keep the name of the net I am on logged, and it would be nice to have that information available as well.

Perhaps this is more of a NetLogger question, and it is also possible the information I am looking for is being imported, but possible in a column I have turned off.

Re: NetLogger Integration with Log4OM2

Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 17:33
by G4POP
Without seeing an example QSO from netlogger adif its hard to tell but seems like they are not sticking to the ADIF criteria

Re: NetLogger Integration with Log4OM2

Posted: 26 Mar 2024, 17:01
by WA8MD
That is quite possible, I did work through all of the table headings in Log4OM and found a couple columns that I was able to turn on. I am looking for the mapping from NetLogger to help me better understand this. If I figure anything out I will post it.