Few other ideas

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Joined: 27 May 2019, 22:52

Few other ideas

Post by sp9wpn »

My last post with few items not connected to each other:

1. I've enable "Contact Reference" column in recent QSOs. It's useful eg. to cross-check if a SOTA or WWFF QSO were logged properly. This is how it looks like now:

Would be great if we could hide selected awards from this field (DXCC and WAC are obvious candidates). Of course, the data will be still stored in DB, it's just about the presentation. Less clutter will make this field usable.

2. We have automatic upload to LOTW, what about automatic download? This could be new entry in "Program scheduler".

3. "Worked before" is great, but it does not deserve it's own tab. And when put in separate window, it cannot be docked in the interface. I would suggest to give it a room in F6 (Main) tab. The world map can be made smaller without harm. Design example:

4. There is huge waste of space on the right side of the screen, where picture of fellow HAM should appear. If no callsign is entered it means we're CQing or tuning for a contact. Perhaps some cluster or propagation data could take this space?

Thanks for all your work!
73! Wojtek
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