Log4OM Version 2.0

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Log4OM Alpha Team
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Joined: 21 Jan 2013, 14:55
Location: Burnham on Crouch, Essex UK

Log4OM Version 2.0

Post by G4POP »

News Flash

Two weeks ago we commenced Alpha testing version 2.0 with Lele and myself plus two very experienced users, Doug W7DRM and Juergen DF5WW.

Progress is rapid with the four of us communicating via Skype all day, every day and late into the night, sometimes testing several updated installations each day.

Once we get passed the main framework of the UI and have a stable and useable entity we will call on our Beta team to expand the scope of the program while testing the new features to destruction but at this time it is hard enough for Lele to keep up with the feedback from the three of us let alone adding to that feedback from the 10 or 12 people in the beta team.

My comments to Lele after the first two weeks were that we have very many special and unique features in version 2 which I feel are unparalleled in ham radio logging software, this combined with a clean UI which is simple to use but at the same time has every facility.

As for a time frame? It will take as long as it takes because we want to ensure that we dont miss anything or have any regrets further down the line. However I would expect that we will start Beta testing in two or three months and then probably have the first general release in the third quarter of this year.

We will not release any sneak previews or screenshots to ensure that everyone enjoys the launch of V2 and to stop our competitors stealing our ideas.

I can assure you all that it is very worth waiting for!
73 Terry G4POP