Back Log4OM to Google Drive won't work

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Back Log4OM to Google Drive won't work

Post by N6RSH »

MY version of Log4OM2 (Ver will not recognize my google drive. I get the message shown below. I included in the screen shot my directory which shows drive G: as "Google Drive G:" but when I use the browse button in Log4OM2 Backup settings, it lists as "Local Drive G:" and won't let me use it for backup. I run Log4OM as administrator. Please help. I would like to be able to see my log book on both of my computers.
Thanks and 73,
Steve N6RSH
Screenshot 2023-02-06 155106.jpg
Screenshot 2023-02-06 155106.jpg (80.85 KiB) Viewed 4082 times
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