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Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 17:19
by G4POP
I have just set up a dummy log entry the same as your 17m FT8 contact with TO9W and then did a spot simulation for 17m CW for TO9W and its working for me OK, see below, top row.

I think in the circumstances we have, where I cant replicate your issue, that you should send a support request to Lele at lele (AT) so that he can track whats happening with your set up.

Untitled.png (76.64 KiB) Viewed 13148 times

Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 17:27
by I2BRT
OK !
I'll send a support request to Lele. BTW no hurry.
Best regards.

Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 05 Dec 2023, 14:47
the key is in the VIEW tab.
You may have different ways to define "WORKED".

In my case, worked is "contacted at least one time in my life". No matter of confirmations received
In your case worked is "contacted AND have received an E-QSL"
In Terry case could be "contacted AND have received at least ONE LOTW or paper QSL"

This "contacted" behaviour is applied in all cluster views, and you can choose it independently on each single cluster by playing with the "VIEW" tab in the cluster parameters

So if you consider "worked" the "worked and logged" this qso will not be in your list as "not worked" forever, but if you consider "worked and have LOTW confirmation" the country/band/mode/call will remain "unworked" until you have the first LOTW confirmation on that country or country+band or country+mode or whatever you want as combo

Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 05 Dec 2023, 17:16
by I2BRT
Thank you so much for jumping in.
I really do not want to disturb you. I apologize for this.

Very interesting.
However, due to my poor knowledge of this great program also after reading the user guide, I'm still a little bit confused. Need more help :( ...

>>the key is in the VIEW tab.
>>You may have different ways to define "WORKED".

Uhm .. I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel hi ....
Not sure...

Right now in Cluster#1 form I've the tab "View" set only as Worked.
How can I set the logger my Cluster view#1 so I can see only all callsign of any country which is not confirmed by LOTW in that spotted band and in that mode on that band ?
Set it as "LOTW" in the View tab ?

What is my goal :
work as many "slot" as possible, any country in any band and in any mode in each band.
For this scenario, it woul be very helpful to see on the cluster just the needed stations.

What is a needed station ?
For me a needed station is a station in a DXCC entity not confirmed by LOTW in that mode on that band

Another scenario would be to consider needed station a DXCC entity never logged in that band in that mode regardless of LOTW confirmation (but this is a second choice).

I would like to undestand how I can correctly setup the program so I will see in a cluster view only all "neeeded" stations (by LOTW confirmation)
When you have spare time ... just confirm if I'm on the right track
LOTW.jpg (58.48 KiB) Viewed 13106 times
In the meantime many thanks indeed.
Kind regards
Rick I2BRT

Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 16 Dec 2023, 11:45
by I2BRT

OK it was a user error (my error...) and it was not too much complicated to fix it indeed but without your support I would be lost hi.
Using Dxcluster->View->Lotw on, I found a program configuration that match my need, great !
Now I'm also undestanding the colors which are very useful (maybe ?/help button in the cluster form to recall current color configuration and meaning would be an improvement as in the main UI for the slots, but not essential)

I'm going on with the learning process.
Thank you so much and keep up the good work.

Best 73
Rick I2BRT

Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 30 Jan 2024, 23:22
by vk4ma
Hello Rick

Can you send some screenshots to show me how you got log4om cluster alerts to show for "an entity not confirmed by LOTW in that mode on that band". I tried to get log4om to do this a year or two ago and could not get it it to work and thus stayed with AcLog. It is frustrating following a thread like this where the problem is claimed to be solved but no solution is actually provided at the end. What were you doing wrong and what does you working configuration look like now?

Cheers and Thanks
Paul - vk4ma

Re: Dx Cluster : filters

Posted: 01 Feb 2024, 21:10
by I2BRT
HI Paul !
I apologize for delay but I'm pretty much busy, so free time is rare...
I'll be back with more details as soon as I can.
In the meantime I'll add some screenshot of my preferred setup at the moment (please consider that what I like it may not what you like) :

Here is an example where Cluster#1 form is showing me to pay attention to PJ5/Sp9FIH because I need it on 17m digital
WorkingCondition.jpg (194.76 KiB) Viewed 9443 times
Once clicked, I saw more details in the upper left of the main form (see the colored squares under Stats (F1) tab)

To achieve this is really simple
Dxcluster1-setup1.jpg (113.6 KiB) Viewed 9443 times
Dxcluster1-setup3.jpg (101.61 KiB) Viewed 9443 times