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second rx from flex-6300

Posted: 21 May 2020, 08:46
by m0pkz

Trying to make to show frequency for the second rx but need manually switch between 1 and 2. How to make to show both rx so rx 1 on the left and rx2 on the right?
Video link attached:

Re: second rx from flex-6300

Posted: 25 May 2020, 21:18
by AE6DS
That's working as designed. With OmniRig, you can control two rigs, each of which could have two VFOs (SO2R).

There are two ways you could choose to set things up with Flex, SmartSDR and OmniRig. The first is what you are doing -- you have two slice receivers, you assign a CAT to each slice, and assign the two cats to OmniRig as different rigs. That's how I operate my 6600 for digital modes and has the advantage of allowing the two slices to be in different panadapters with different bands. I don't operate split for digi, so this is a good setup and leaves me two additional slices to play with....

If you wanted to operate split on your 6300, you should setup a single CAT in OmniRig. Smart SDR will interpret commands to the second VFO as commands for a second slice (creating it if necessary). AFAIK, Log4OM can't send the CAT command to initiate split operation, but you can use the OmniRig Client to do so using the VFOAB Set button. Once the second slice is created Log4OM will display and control both slice receivers as if they were VFOs. On my 6600 this works even if the SR's are not in order (eg, if I already have A, B, and C assigned, initiating a second VFO in SR A creates SR D in the same pana and sets things appropriately).

There are some limits though. As mentioned, I don't believe you can create the "VFO B" slice from within Log4OM. Log4OM also won't recognize the second slice if it was created in SmartSDR, it has to be created from a CAT command. Finally, you probably need to keep both slices in the same pana and thus in the same band and on the same antenna. Operating the slices as separate radios with independent CATs doesn't have the above limitations.

As an aside, this is the one feature from DXLab Commander that I miss in Log4OM and OmniRig-- a rig control panel with a few macro buttons that I could setup to send some common commands. Eg, on my KX3 I had a "sanity" macro that reset mic, ALC, AG, etc so that things were ready to go for WSJT-X.

Re: second rx from flex-6300

Posted: 26 May 2020, 13:53
by KD0ZV
OmniRig is pretty limited unfortunately for this Rig.

I toggle between it and HamLib. Hamlib has some additional functionality when coupled with slicemaster. Whatever slice I am working from becomes the active "VFO" in Log4OM. Works very nice.

OmniRig seems to work better as not caring what order everything starts up in.

HamLib does have a quirk where when you click a spot in cluster. It sets the filter to something different on radio. In my case on CW it drops my 6600 down to 50hz. If it was not for this one issue I would likely run HamLib all the time and not OmniRig
