New Version released

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New Version released

Post by G4POP »

The latest version has been released here ...

Release Notes
NEW] Added option to print “RETURN TO” label for DIRECT/MANAGER DIRECT labels
[NEW] Added option to print “MY ADDRESS” label for SASE-type QSL sent via DIRECT/MANAGER DIRECT
[NEW] Added winkeyer, all currently open cluster screen, worked before, net control and chat screens to the auto open list on restart
[NEW] Allowed multiple independent cluster screens everyone with his own configuration
[NEW] Added “-f update” and “-c myCall” to the LOTW Upload command sequence

NOTE: This release requires the latest version of TQsl to be installed

Added e-mail address to data entry area
Improved on screen placement memorization of windows
All band map screens are now reopened at start-up (removed limit to a single band map)
Program scheduler optimizations (prevented concurrent calls on start-up to the scheduler sort routine). That should prevent issues on solar data load / voacap calculations
Changed the format of the macro files. Now separator between macro and his title is made by “###” instead of a vertical pipe |. That allow users to save macro containing special keys (|) used to add delay in winkeyer syntax. If you have custom macro files please open them with notepad and update the separator field
[FIX] Small glitch that shows “undefined” on current confirmation when downloading confirmations without having had a search before (in QSL Manager)
[FIX] Fixed an issue that prevented STATE visualization when QSO was retrieved from cluster
[FIX] Fixed persistence of band map settings
[FIX] Cluster actions from cluster inside main user interface or winkeyer interface affects only their own context
[FIX] Winkeyer stay-on-top button fixed
[FIX] Country statistics not shown when QSO is selected from cluster
[FIX] Winkeyer load macro issue fixed
[FIX] Winkeyer loss of focus during callsign typing fixed
[FIX] Chat is open when clicking on worked before icons fixed
73 Terry G4POP