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Allow logbook to be a source of external information

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 09:11
by N1FG
I am frequently working the same folks (often other SKCC members) and miss HRD's option that prefills the QSO add window with what it had the last time that station was worked. Not times and RST's of course, nor any of the radio data coming from OmniRig, but the persistent data such as name, and note fields (like SKCC numbers for me).

During January each year SKCC runs a month-long event called K3Y and I will often work the same station on several bands one right after the other - and correcting the name (over and over) and adding the SKCC number is both time-consuming and horribly inefficient. (I imagine also from the program standpoint unless you are caching callsign info from QRZ et al?)

If I am missing a way to do this which is already implemented please let me know!

73 de Larry

Re: Allow logbook to be a source of external information

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 03:35
by WB4IT
I don't think there's a way, but I use the ADIF monitor function in Log4OM to watch SKCC Logger ADIF updates. When I work an SKCC station, I use SKCC Logger to log the contact and Log4OM imports it automatically.
adif.PNG (45 KiB) Viewed 1201 times
I use com0com software to allow both Log4OM and SKCC Logger access to the CAT port at the same time. This gives me all the features of SKCC Logger and the convenience of not having to manually import into my master log.

Re: Allow logbook to be a source of external information

Posted: 22 Jan 2022, 08:42
by N1FG
Thanks for the info Brian, that is an interesting way to link them up.

I kinda go the other direction, keeping all my logging on Log4OM2 and then every now and then syncing up with SKCC logger by exporting an ADIF file with the new QSOs (since the last sync). Of course now with K3Y going on I do that daily to keep the skimmer up to date, but normally only every week or so.

GL with K3Y and thanks again for the info!

Larry N1FG