Update to how LOG4OM Calculates Verified QSO's

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Update to how LOG4OM Calculates Verified QSO's

Post by WA2SQQ »

Terry, several months ago I reached out to you regarding what I thought might be a bug. When a contact was verified by a QSL, the country was not showing up in the DXCC “confirmed” totals. You explained that only contact verified by LOTW were counted, as those were the only “officially verified” contacts. I accept that fact and you were correct. However, not everyone uses LOTW and those who do may not submit QSL’s regularly to card checkers.

I’m wondering if a method exists, or if one could be added, that would show “verified by LOTW”, “verified by QSL” and finally “total verified”. My work around was to manually check off LOTW for the QSL verified so I know how many in total I have.
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