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Getting frequency from HRD?

Posted: 28 Jan 2024, 15:12
Hi - using HRD Ham Radio Deluxe for rig control with an IC-7700 (via COM5 port). Trying to read the VFO frequency into log4OM2. HRD provides a third party COM port that is supposed to behave like an ICOM or Kenwood radio. I configured a com0com null-modem pair of COM ports (COM19 and COM20) and have HRD use COM19 as the external 3rd party port. Omnirig on COM20 with Log4OM. But Log4OM still won't read the frequency?

Separately tried a VSP (com port splitter, splitting COM5 into COM17 and COM18, both with read/write access), but looks like log4om clogs up the port so HRD stops working, even if I increase the time between CAT requests in the log4om CAT settings. Either one works at a time through COM17 and 18 respectively but not together.

Any ideas?

Thanks and 73

Re: Getting frequency from HRD?

Posted: 26 Mar 2024, 16:16
by ve3wej
If you use ominrig ( not version 2.x) with log4om, why do you need HRD for cat control

does log4om/omnirig work by itself?