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ARRL is not accepting qsl cards without State printed

Posted: 12 Mar 2024, 18:19
by PD2TX
Hiya to All,

I heard recently that the ARRL qsl buro's not accepting qsl cards without the State printed on the label or on the cards anymore.
I'm not sure if this is true.
But if so, it would be great to add the State on the printed label.
Maybe it's better to post this in the request forum, but I'm not sure what the ARRL policy is right now.

Regards Nico PD2TX

Re: ARRL is not accepting qsl cards without State printed

Posted: 18 Mar 2024, 11:03
by ve3wej
not sure if it is true, but I could understand why. several us hams have relocated , and the prefix no longer can tell them a call area to send the card off to. I don't think I have seen cards coming in to me that have not had the state on it. but also I have only ever marked the call on the top right rear of the card, for the bureau to know who it is for, and nothing has come back. this sounds like something that you show be asking ARRL

Re: ARRL is not accepting qsl cards without State printed

Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 17:45
by N6VH
Are you referring to the state that the recipient of your card lives in?
I checked on the ARRL web page about the incoming buro, and didn't see anything about a state being required. Card for the ARRL incoming buro go to the call area of the ham's call. For example, a W6 living in Texas would get his cards from the W6 buro, not the W5 buro. At least that's the way it has been for a long time, and the info on the ARRL site says "Don't send SASEs to your "portable" bureau. For example, NU0X/1 sends SASEs to the W0 bureau, not the W1 bureau." The state where the ham lives isn't a factor.

Jim N6VH