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LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 21:38
by ac5aa
Has anyone written software to compare the LoTW award statistics listing to the Log4OM database with the idea of allowing the user to reconcile them? As a new user, I'm having to crawl through the chart and the Log4OM Awards listing one mode at a time to compare and see where I'm missing 5-6 country counts so that I can get them to agree. It doesn't help that the Statistics are presented for only one band/mode at a time rather than in the same format as the LoTW listing where all the info about one country is listed on one line. Just wondering. I'd rather be hamming than trying to get my data straightened out! :-)

73, Duane

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 21:54
by NN7D

Are you creating more work for me? :o

Let me ponder this...

Doug - W7DRM

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 22:07
by ac5aa
Sorry, Doug! I had no idea where this one would splatter! An alternative might be to have the ability to print an awards listing formatted the same as the ARRL's LoTW one - that would certainly speed the process of checking one against the other.

73, Duane

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 02 Feb 2016, 09:52
Any reference to this award export format?

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 22:07
by ac5aa
Hi Daniele, You can view this by:

Log into LoTW
Select "Awards" button
Select "DXCC Award Account"
At the bottom of that page, click "View Award Credit Matrix"
Click the "No Scroll" button to see the entire table of results

My entire file is too large so I've truncated it to the first page so you can get an idea . . . It can be sorted either by the prefix or by the entity. I just left it in the default "prefix sort."

73, Duane

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 23:25
by NN7D

Have you tried the Statistics and Awards window, Country/QSO status grid tab? It displays the three modes Ph, CW, Dig for each band (column across) and for each country (row down) in one view.
Country_QSOGrid.jpg (152.45 KiB) Viewed 6767 times
Doug - W7DRM

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 23:32
by G3ZSS
Interestingly I used to use DX4WIN before becoming a LOG4OM convert. AD1C had a great routine for comparing LOTW with your DX4WIN log. It required you to do an ADIF download of your DXCC records from LOTW and then comparing with your own log. You can get an idea of AD1C's work at I believe you are looking for something similar for LOG4OM?
73 Peter G3ZSS

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 05 Feb 2016, 03:59
by ac5aa
Yes, Peter - I'm moving from DX4WIN to Log4OM and am very familiar with Jim, AD1C's fine work for that logger. He has singlehandedly kept it alive for many people. I used Doug's software for getting a start on this problem of setting Log4OM to match my current status, but it is a very difficult process for any QSO's credited in the 1990's or earlier. This is because the DXCC desk didn't log the actual date of the QSO which was credited for the award. Makes getting the log in sync a bit of a manual mess. I was hoping to at least get a listing that could be scanned as quickly as the LOTW downloaded table, if nothing "automatic" could be created. I'm beginning to think I'm the only one with this problem, but then that's OK. I'm enjoying learning Log4OM and "reshaping my head" to work with it.

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 05 Feb 2016, 04:04
by ac5aa
Thanks, Doug - I'll give that a shot tomorrow and see if that helps.

Re: LoTW Statistics Compare routine?

Posted: 05 Feb 2016, 16:55
by ac5aa
Yes, Doug - the Country/QSO status tab does present what I need. And I can click on a particular band/mode and pull up the QSO's that contribute to it. I struggle a little with the Y and V distinction for received QSL's - not the definitions, but just that they look so similar. DX4WIN uses an asterisk * to indicate that the confirmation has been submitted and credited, which makes the grid a lot easier to pick out ones that still need focus either to work or get confirmations. Just a different style, and I'm sure I'll get accustomed to this format. Thanks for the suggestion!