Log4OM News

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Log4OM Alpha Team
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Joined: 21 Jan 2013, 14:55
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Log4OM News

Post by G4POP »

Hi All,

Daniele is about to embark on a major revision of the ADIF import, Logbook ADIF fields, awards statistics and database structure due to the recent release of ADIF 3.04, so that we insure both forward and backward compatibility.

The new ADIF has many changes to the structure including splitting 'Mode' into 'Mode' and 'submode', there are also major changes to the QSL, eQSL, LOTW and awards submission and granted status so you will understand that this is no simple task :cry:

So how does this affect the users?

Firstly there may seem to be a lack of activity regarding updates and additions due to the amount of time required to carry out the changes.

Secondly when we release a version containing these ADIF changes it will be necessary for all users to export their logbook as an ADIF and then after installing the new version import the ADIF into an empty logbook.

Because it would be very messy to convert your existing databased to the revised format, whereas doing an ADIF export/import will ensure a clean transition to the new structure.

While we disagree with some of the changes forced upon us by the ADIF group there are also some alterations that are beneficial.

Bottom line! - Please be patient with the team while we make these changes but keep talking to us about any problems that you have or your suggestions for improvements to the software.
73 Terry G4POP