Log fields and other

Your ideas for making Log4OM even better.
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Log fields and other

Post by in3vvk »

Hello, I would like to propose some useful ideas for the program:
- Have check in the cluster suddived to not worked country by mode or band, actually I see only in statistic color only If I not work country in both parameter, Example if I worked VK9 in 20m CW but not in SSB I see Spot White, but I need it also in SSB mode.
- Have a custom color in the log grid for confirmed QSOs, not confirmed QSO and Queued QSO to print
- Have a change fonts and alignment in the field log
- Have a Icon for CWKeyer and VoiceKeyer instead into the menu list.
- Hace a CAT command through mouse as for FLDIGI to adjust Radio directly inside of the LOG4OM.

If any function is already available please let me know do

Ciao Paolo IN3VVK
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Re: Log fields and other

Post by CT1BXX »

Hi Paolo,

The first idea already exists.

Please see the picture

Second idea: colors in log grid is interesting.
73 Manuel Fernando CT1BXX
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Re: Log fields and other

Post by in3vvk »

Hi Manuel thanks to reply, yes I can see into the cluster different mode but the idea is that the different color is visible directly on the main page of the cluster, example cluster spots: White (Worked /band and mode), RED (new Country absolute), Yellow (New Country / Band) and Light Blue (New country / mode). .... so you know what you need.

73 Paolo
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Re: Log fields and other

Post by ve2dc »


Just looking at Log4OM because my old DX4Win is not really supported anymore.

There are a few things that I don't see in Log4OM that I believe would be useful.
  • 1. A band map showing the spots. It's well implemented in DX4Win and a little more clumsily in DXLabs and is in most contesting programs. As it's a fair bit of work... maybe V2? DXLabs is great, but very slow so not happy with it. An alternative would be to link with Alex's Band Master COM/OLE interface.
    2. I am very surprised to see no support in Log4OM for the most comprehensive callbook, the RAC CD. This might be a non-starter for me as I rely on it.
    3. There is one feature in DX4Win that I haven't seen in any other logbook, but it's really useful. There are comments tied to the QSO, which is usual but also notes tied to the callsign. I think a better name for it would be Bio. The easiest way to implement it is to put the callsign data in a separate table with end dates to handle silent keys which is an issue in the DX4Win implementation. My electronic log goes back to 1969 LOL! This might also be a V2 consideration as it would require a second table and the log would be a join between callsign table and qso table. It's not so useful for DXing but very useful for ragchewing. Gotta do something between contests!
Ciao! Mel, VE2DC