Crediting/GRA QSL Manually

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Crediting/GRA QSL Manually

Post by CT1BXX »


I share with you the way I am crediting/GRA my QSL for Challenge, despite being granted, even so, I am in doubt, so all your help will be precious.

I have qsl Granted automatically made by importing LOTW, but others are not and so I have to do it manually.
I have made these credits manually through "EDIT QSO" and then mark that contact as granted according to the band and mode existing in the combo box on the right side named "GRANTED".

Doing this, the contact is actually Granted because afterwards it appears Granted in the "Award Status", however I am in doubt if I am doing it correctly, since I do not mark it as submitted for later to be granted, that is, I skip the submitted status and immediately I mark as Granted.
Will this have any negative impact, or can I continue to do so? :?

The idea is to take one step less and thus make this long task faster.
I am very grateful for your comments on this matter.

Enjoy the weekend and keep safe. :)
73 Manuel Fernando CT1BXX
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Re: Crediting/GRA QSL Manually

Post by OE6CLD »

Hi Manuel,

If you use the LoTW update functionality, this will be done automatically. What do you mean with "others"? In LoTW this is quite straightforward, every confirmed QSO is verified, if you apply for a DXCC award (or update your country numbers) in LoTW these QSOs will show up as granted after the next sync. Please check the Log4OM v2 manual starting at page 148 for more information. Additionally, you can find some great videos related to "Confirmations" here:

Nevertheless, if you know that credits have been granted, you can directly mark a status as granted (I did the same in my logs). I mainly use the submitted status when I physically send QSL cards, this is something I rarely do today. It definitely will not have a negative impact.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Crediting/GRA QSL Manually

Post by CT1BXX »

Hi Claus,
Many thanks for your comments, very useful. :)
So I will go one with the work I have interrupted till I got a favorable comment.
The "others", are all those old granted some years ago ago, when importing from LOTW they do not become as granted, they stay "V" Validated and those, I need to change manually and also some from IOTA. Perhaps is my fault :oops: but to have all ok I need to do it maually - the old ones.

Enjoy the weekend.
73 Manuel Fernando CT1BXX
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