Log4OM 2.26.0 won't install - Windows 11

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Re: Log4OM 2.26.0 won't install - Windows 11

Post by ac5aa »

Thanks for the suggestion, Markus - no, nothing goes to the taskbar. Whether I double-click on the "exe" file or right click and select "Run as administrator" also makes no difference. What happens is I get about a 1-2 second view of the hourglass and then the cursor returns to normal and nothing else happens. Checking Task Manager shows no Log4OM processes running after attempting to execute either way. This is a real head scratcher, but then I'm a hardware guy!

[By the way, trying to post this afternoon I received the following message that I had been blocked:
"Your IP has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip="

I'm on a T-Mobile Home Internet - I have no idea why this would be blocked. I will turn on my VPN and see if that solves this problem. EDIT - Yes, VPN got this thru, but have never needed that before. Just FYI.
73, Duane AC5AA
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Re: Log4OM 2.26.0 won't install - Windows 11

Post by ac5aa »

A thought just occurred to me - on my Windows 10 machine, when I'd try to install an update for Log4OM, Windows would throw up a message to the effect of "we don't recognize this - are you sure you want to install it?" to which I would reply to go ahead. I don't get any warning with this Windows 11 system. Is it possible they have hidden this now to "protect" users from themselves? (gotta love it . . . )
73, Duane AC5AA
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Re: Log4OM 2.26.0 won't install - Windows 11

Post by KI5IO »


Spamhaus and many other spam catching sites are always looking at possibilities that could be classed as a troublesome site.

It may not be your specific site at all, but your IP address might be included in a 'range' that they put an alert or block on for a span of time.

I was helping (and still do) some friends with some software development for a Home Inspection logging program. The IP address they used and still use got caught up in a 'range of IPs' that were flagged. Took over a month before the range of IPs was 'cleared'.

One way to get around it is to have a "dedicated IP" address, but that costs additional dollars that most of us just don't want to part with. Not terribly expensive, but still an additional budget outflow.
73 - Nolan Kienitz - KI5IO
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Re: Log4OM 2.26.0 won't install - Windows 11

Post by HB9BRJ »

Windows Security -> App & Browser control -> Smart App Control -> Smart App Control settings:

My setting is "Off".
By the way: If Smart App Control is off it can't be turned on without reinstalling Windows. :o
"On" means: If Smart App Control spots a malicious or untrusted app it will block it to protect your device.

More about Smart App Control: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/top ... 98afdb7003
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