MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

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MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by KB3ORR »

Log4OM Team,

First let me thank you for providing the amateur radio community with such an awesome application! I have been looking for logging software that is able to utilize a MySQL database for quite a while. I primarily run a Windows machine for a home grown Excel log I built five years ago but also have several Linux machines. I would like to ask a favor for future versions of the application - could you code the application so that the table and field names match the same case as the database? I was successful with Log4OM creating the database on a MySQL Linux machine however the application will not run properly. MySQL on Windows is not case sensitive while Linux is. I have tried numerous times on the Linux machine to change the MySQL configuration to ignore case sensitivity but have not had any luck. I have screen captures available here. While I realize I am probably in the minority of running the Log4OM application with the database on a Linux machine I hope you take this request into consideration for future releases.

Thank you for your effort and hard work you have put into Log4OM.


-Brian, KB3ORR
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Re: MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by IW3HMH »

Hi, can you provide a list of errors you get when trying to use the database?
I will try to find those case errors and fix them.

Daniele Pistollato - IW3HMH
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Re: MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by KB3ORR »

Hi Daniele,

By chance did you look at the pdf file where I captured the errors ... sql_db.pdf? Also when importing an ADIF I get an error:

Code: Select all

Unknown column '' in 'field list'  Call: K0RH Date: 20080202 Time: 174800 Mode: SSB Band: 10m

-Brian, KB3ORR
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Re: MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by G4POP »

purely out of interest, why are you putting the MySQL Database on the Linux machine? are you using some other logging software on the Linux machine?
73 Terry G4POP
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Re: MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by KB3ORR »

I have web servers running applications that require a DB and a file server that has a multiple drives in a RAID configuration. I would like to store the log on the server with RAID as it provides data protection in addition to my normal backups. It also gives me an opportunity to experiment with PHP to build custom web queries. I built many different queries into my home grown Excel log. The Excel log has grown in size to the point where it is very difficult to work with as Excel calculates the cells anytime a change is made. I need to remember to turn of auto calculate to increase processing speed. I would like to be able to run the same queries on the Log4OM / MySQL data that I have my Excel log.


-Brian, KB3ORR
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Re: MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by IW3HMH »

I've made a bunch of changes in the class that manages MySql. The updates will be in the next release :)
I hope i've found all issues. If possible i will send you a sneak-preview in order to make some tests in your environment before releasing.

Daniele Pistollato - IW3HMH
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Re: MySQL - Table / Field Name Case Sensitivity

Post by KB3ORR »


Thank you very much!


-Brian, KB3ORR