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Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 19:16
by KC7X
I found in another thread where Terry wrote:
Our solar data comes from NOAA at and ... cycle.json
I connected to the NOAA ftp site with a separate FTP client only to find that the ftp server is online and allows anonymous login but it appears that there is no data there. Just an empty root directory.

The second site,, is online and does have data available. I was able to successfuly download sunspots.json, for example.

I am not sure which of the sites and specific files that Log4OM2 is attempting to use, but if the Solar Flux Information pane that is displayed from View -> Solar Data is attempting to use the site, the fact that there is no data there could explain why I see no solar data. It looks like an alternate site to is needed. (I don't see a way in Settings -> Configuration to change it if there is.)

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 19:24
by G4POP
There is no way for you to change it

This does not explain why it works fine for me using the built in default and to some degree it works for you on the lookup UI

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 19:41
by KC7X
Hmmm.... Then I'm at a loss for what's going on. I guess I will just have to live with it and hope that future changes will somehow correct it. I still like Log4OM2 better than any other logging program that I have used.

Thanks for your replies.

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 21:53
by G4POP
Did you try a fresh install?

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 19 Jan 2022, 22:41
by KC7X
Did you try a fresh install?
Yes, I did try a fresh install. No difference. See my post above at viewtopic.php?p=38631#p38631

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 18:32
by KC7X
I did a little more digging into the problem and found the following information in the Log4OM2 UI log that may help the developers to debug the issue. (I added the coloration to help point out the key summary information.) The results are consistent with what I am seeing. The predicted solar activity and the VOACAP information are being correctly downloaded and displayed, but the remaining geomagnetic data is not being correctly downloaded and displayed.
2022-01-20 17:48:09.1984 INFO: [#=zEIJBvdiaTxT9DQu$AEdPjUgu7Z9A] : Loading Geomagnetic data series
2022-01-20 17:48:09.1984 INFO: [#=zEIJBvdiaTxT9DQu$AEdPjUgu7Z9A] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DGD) Archive file not found. Reloading...
2022-01-20 17:48:09.1994 INFO: [#=zEIJBvdiaTxT9DQu$AEdPjUgu7Z9A] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DGD) downloading from
2022-01-20 17:48:11.5802 ERROR: [#=z6mtkJAwgoUGLDHk2m8wNrFc=][MoveNext] : DownloadFileFromFtpAsync: FTP FILE download error
[EXCEPTION] The remote server returned an error: 229 Extended Passive Mode Entered (|||50780|).
. System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: 229 Extended Passive Mode Entered (|||50780|).
. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Net.FtpControlStream.GetPortV4(String responseString)
at System.Net.FtpControlStream.QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, Boolean timeout, Stream& stream, Boolean& isSocketReady)
at System.Net.FtpControlStream.PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, Boolean timeout, Stream& stream)
at System.Net.CommandStream.PostReadCommandProcessing(Stream& stream)
at System.Net.CommandStream.ReceiveCommandResponseCallback(ReceiveState state, Int32 bytesRead)
at System.Net.CommandStream.ReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.FtpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at L4ONG.Framework.FWWeb.#=z6mtkJAwgoUGLDHk2m8wNrFc=.MoveNext()
2022-01-20 17:48:11.5812 WARN: [#=zEIJBvdiaTxT9DQu$AEdPjUgu7Z9A][MoveNext] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DGD) Archive file not downloaded
2022-01-20 17:48:11.5822 INFO: [#=zEIJBvdiaTxT9DQu$AEdPjUgu7Z9A] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DGD) Archive file not found
2022-01-20 17:48:11.5822 INFO: [#=zvY_ONNZWewuxy9GP7h5Flp2PGRTE] : Loading Solar data series
2022-01-20 17:48:11.5832 WARN: [#=zvY_ONNZWewuxy9GP7h5Flp2PGRTE][MoveNext] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DSD) Archive file not found. Reloading
2022-01-20 17:48:11.5832 INFO: [#=zvY_ONNZWewuxy9GP7h5Flp2PGRTE] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DSD) downloading from
2022-01-20 17:48:13.1775 ERROR: [#=z6mtkJAwgoUGLDHk2m8wNrFc=][MoveNext] : DownloadFileFromFtpAsync: FTP FILE download error
[EXCEPTION] The remote server returned an error: 229 Extended Passive Mode Entered (|||51333|).
. System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: 229 Extended Passive Mode Entered (|||51333|).
. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Net.FtpControlStream.GetPortV4(String responseString)
at System.Net.FtpControlStream.QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, Boolean timeout, Stream& stream, Boolean& isSocketReady)
at System.Net.FtpControlStream.PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, Boolean timeout, Stream& stream)
at System.Net.CommandStream.PostReadCommandProcessing(Stream& stream)
at System.Net.CommandStream.ReceiveCommandResponseCallback(ReceiveState state, Int32 bytesRead)
at System.Net.CommandStream.ReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.FtpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at L4ONG.Framework.FWWeb.#=z6mtkJAwgoUGLDHk2m8wNrFc=.MoveNext()
2022-01-20 17:48:13.1795 WARN: [#=zvY_ONNZWewuxy9GP7h5Flp2PGRTE][MoveNext] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DSD) Archive file not downloaded
2022-01-20 17:48:13.1815 WARN: [#=zvY_ONNZWewuxy9GP7h5Flp2PGRTE][MoveNext] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (DSD) Archive file not found
2022-01-20 17:48:13.1835 INFO: [#=zxglcMymX$DloNsrhXR0vQ6kmtpacx1KXtPZjXEY=] : Loading Predicted Solar data
2022-01-20 17:48:13.1845 INFO: [#=zxglcMymX$DloNsrhXR0vQ6kmtpacx1KXtPZjXEY=] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (Predicted) downloading from ... cycle.json
2022-01-20 17:48:14.0738 INFO: [#=zxglcMymX$DloNsrhXR0vQ6kmtpacx1KXtPZjXEY=] : GEOMAGNETIC DATA (Predicted) load from file completed
2022-01-20 17:48:14.0779 INFO: [#=zSekSoQCgK4zM_YIeUTXXxLWRWDtF5_oAVw==] : Calculating HOURLY VOACAP data: DM43ci with 100.0 watts and 0 sun spots on hour: 17
2022-01-20 17:48:14.4369 INFO: [#=zSekSoQCgK4zM_YIeUTXXxLWRWDtF5_oAVw==] : Hourly VOACAP calculation completed
I also found that the DGD.txt.tmp and DSD.txt.tmp files in the "...App Data/Roaming/Log4OM2" directory were both empty.

Is any of this making sense or setting off any red flags with the developers?

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 19:03
by KC7X
I also just discovered over my lunch break that if I manually download the DGD.txt file from NOAA at ... ndices.txt and the DSD.txt file from ... ndices.txt and place them into the "...App Data/Roaming/Log4OM2" directory then perform a "Settings -> Maintenance -> Reload solar data" command, suddenly I am able to display Monthly A index and Current K index graphs from the Solar Information dialog which were not displaying previously. Also on the main UI page, I now see values for Kp, A, SFI, and sunspots that were all zero previously. I am still not showing a chart on the Sunspots tab of the Solar Flux Information dialog box, so apparently there is still further detective work that is needed there.

The bottom line is that it appears that Log4OM2 has a downloading problem that I was able to circumvent by manually downloading from the NOAA website. Perhaps this can be corrected in the next version?

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 20:04
by KI5IO

I was looking at my logfile and did not see the errors you have noted ... so I'm still stuck.

However as something I've done more than once as part of the Alpha Team ... I've installed earlier versions of Log4OM V2 to try and debug an issue.

That being the case ... first (and foremost) do a backup of your installation just as a failsafe.

Then, from the Log4OM V2 website download the older releases V 16 and V17. Do an installation of V 16 or 17 and see if the Solar Data View will work or not. That might trigger something inside the code wake things up.

Occasionally I've had to remove all references to Log4OM V2 as there always seems to be a file somewhere that takes control of things. Ergo the backups I suggested. I've also made copies of some config.ini and json files to have 'just in case' as well.

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 20 Jan 2022, 20:44
by KC7X
I may give that a try, Nolan. Conversely, if you are doing alpha testing on a machine that had previous versions of Log4OM2 on it, it's possible that remnants from the earlier version(s) may be masking the problem in the new version.

A new development: I am now getting the Sunspots chart in the Solar Flux Information dialog. It didn't show up at first after manually loading the DGD.txt and DSD.txt files, but later, after rebooting, it seems that Log4OM2 picked up the information and is now displaying it. I am now getting all of the solar information displays.

Until there is an update that addresses the downloading issue, here is a little python script that can be scheduled to run at startup and regular intervals to fetch the DGD.txt and DSD.txt files from NOAA and stuff them into the proper Log4OM2 directory (basically duplicating what Log4OM2 was trying to do on its own). Here is the code in case anyone else needs it:
import requests

def fetch_data(url,filename):
<tab>r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)

DGD_url = ' ... ndices.txt'
DSD_url = ' ... ndices.txt'

userid = '<insert-your-windows-userid-here>'

DGD_filename = "C:\\Users\\" + userid + "\\AppData\\Roaming\\Log4OM2\\DGD.txt"
DSD_filename = "C:\\Users\\" + userid + "\\AppData\\Roaming\\Log4OM2\\DSD.txt"

(Be careful copying this verbatim. Embedded tabs are required for the second and third line of the python function, and you need to insert your own windows userid.)

When I have more time, I may code this into a configurable .exe file. It was quick and easy to do in python, but not everyone has python installed on their PC's.

Re: Blank Solar Flux Info

Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 00:42
by KI5IO
KC7X wrote: 20 Jan 2022, 20:44 I may give that a try, Nolan. Conversely, if you are doing alpha testing on a machine that had previous versions of Log4OM2 on it, it's possible that remnants from the earlier version(s) may be masking the problem in the new version.

It is possible and unless I did a clean install of V 18 (as you noted) I would not see that failure ... as best I'm aware.

Ergo, my suggestion to install an earlier release and then step up from there after a test to see if it works with the earlier version.

Your work-a-rounds are very good, but way beyond what we would expect any 'day-to-day' user to have to deal with.

Here's hoping that (as you noted) your Solar View does resolve.

I'll also give Lele another head's up about this issue and he might come back with an immediate answer as well.