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DXcluster Window

Posted: 28 Nov 2020, 11:30
by ON7CL

When I see my DXcluster window, all is green, like you see.

afbeelding_2020-11-28_122428.png (201.75 KiB) Viewed 1531 times
In the statistic window above you see that I didn't have T6 confirmed on 15m, but the cluster leaves it green, I have to click on the spot to see if I did work or have confirmed that country.

Is there something wrong with my settings in the cluster ?

My setting:

New countries are red.
Not worked or confirmed countries are blue.
Confirmed countries are green.

Info welcome.

73 - Rudi - ON7CL

Re: DXcluster Window

Posted: 28 Nov 2020, 11:54
Hello Rudi,

From what you say, you have no color in the option: "Band / Mode not wrkd/conf" the second option.
Please change the color and certainly everything will be as it should, here it works perfectly.

Have a nice weekend

Re: DXcluster Window

Posted: 28 Nov 2020, 15:50
by G4POP
The display you have selected for the cluster is confirming that you have worked the COUNTRY on those bands and modes

Select the VIEW button to the right of the cluster and change the view to the confirmation type that you prefer e.g. QSL and LOTW

Nothing to do with the colours that you selected in the config

Re: DXcluster Window

Posted: 04 Dec 2020, 16:25
by ON7CL
Ok working now.