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Use "StationCallsign" for viewing stats in main UI

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 18:49
by LB4MI
(originally suggested after discussion

When using several callsign in to same database, ther "Stats" on the main page uses all callsign in database to view the status.
However, normally users will only be interested in the "Stats" for their active/in use callsign. Not all previous callsign in their ham radio history. (I know Award Status all ready has this function, but that is not really that useful in daily use).

I know you could have separate databases and achieve this also. But it's really useful when working an OM on air to see if you have worked them from another callsign in the past, from the "Worked before", and this is always a nice topic for conversation.

See suggestion for a place to add option to filter "Stats" in front page. Default setting can be "All callsigns", but the user can than set filter permanent here if they like. An option should be choice to set "Use active profile callsign", so that the callsign from the active Log4OM profile is chosen (which would be the best option perhaps..!)
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Best regards,