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Awards status

Posted: 11 May 2023, 03:10
by F4IEX
Hi all,
Tried to find the solution by myself in the user manual with no luck. Here is the trouble: I worked a while ago TM6J (S.E.S.), active from DDFM14. I have rx'ed the paper QSL card and it is correctly shown in the program.
But when checking my DDFM score in the Award Status section, DDFM14 is not only seen as not confirmed or validated but also not even worked!
I have tried to update awards, rescan QSO refs, rebuild statistics with no luck.
I also noticed the same thing for other awards (TPEA for example) where some provinces have been worked and confirmed but are not even shown as worked!
Thanks in advance for your help.

73 de F4IEX Eric

Re: Awards status

Posted: 23 Jul 2023, 15:50
Hi Eric,

If you open the QSO with TM6J and check the "Awards Refs." tab, can you see the DDFM entry in the left box?
20230723 - DDFM.png
20230723 - DDFM.png (38.09 KiB) Viewed 6440 times
If not, please select DDFM in "Award" and double-click the DDFM-14 entry in the References list )it should appear in the left box). Save the QSO and retry, please. I have not changed this award since the first release of L4O2.


Re: Awards status

Posted: 24 Jul 2023, 06:32
by F4IEX
Hi Claus,
After checking, yes the DDFM ref was shown but noticed it was shown as DDFM@14 instead of DDFM@DDFM-14. It is now ok then.
Probably due to an award update since the QSO was validated I think?
Thanks for your reply!

73 de Eric