Cluster spotting with wrong CQ Zone

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Cluster spotting with wrong CQ Zone

Post by w9mdb »

This should be a relatively simple fix.

The suffix on spot reporters is being truncated in the cluster window in Log4OM.

For example....

W1NT-6 shows up as W1NT. ARCluster software does not understand suffixes at all so W1NT-6 gets put in CQ Zone 3 due to the W1 and Log4OM removes the suffix so we can't see W1NT-6 in the cluster to know that's in the wrong zone.

Is it possible to have Log4OM let thru suffix notations from the clustering system? So "-#" should be allowed to show up in the cluster view.

de Mike W9MDB
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Re: Cluster spotting with wrong CQ Zone

Post by IW3HMH »

Hi Mike.
W1NT-6 is not a valid callsign. It "could" be interpreted as W1NT/6, eventually, but the /6 is not the CQ zone (or that rule is not always valid).

IW3HMH is italian zone 3, IW1 is bounded to another couple of regions, I2 the same, IT9 is Sicily but the whole italy is always under the same CQ (except some minor islands bounded to Africa)

So IW3HMH/1 will have the same CQ zone of IW3HMH...

Every check on the spot is made on the callsign, so having a formally invalid callsign that pass thru into the spot data will create troubles to all other routines and also on the migration of the spotted callsign from cluster to input area.

Do you have some docs about that feature in ARCluster?
Daniele Pistollato - IW3HMH