Display and quick change of OPERATOR

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Display and quick change of OPERATOR

Post by LB6AJ »

A feature that does the following two things would be super for group stations.
  1. Displays the current OPERATOR callsign on the main program view, not hidden between tabs or anything.
  2. A keyboard shortcut to get a popup to easily change only the OPERATOR callsign, similar to the CTRL+O in N1MM+.
While using different configurations would be suitable for some group stations where the number of operators is few, and doesn't change much, this is not suitable for every scenario. For the purpose of keeping a complete log, and being able to mention the operator too on a QSL card, logging both callsigns would be needed.

A feature like this would be much appreciated. And if implementing such a feature is totally out of the question, maybe it can be added into the UDP remote control, so we could make a third party app for displaying and switching operator?
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